
Plus sign “+”


Dots 235-56

Minus sign “-”


Dots 36-56


Braille computing signs are made up of two cells, a prefix, and a root. A prefix of any sign is usually located at the right column of dots of the cell. The prefix for most mathematial signs in Arabic braille is the fifth and sixth dots.

Note, the fifth and sixth dots are also used as a letter sign and used in the braille module 2 table as a sign of module 1.

The plus sign consists of two cells, the first cell contains the dots 56, and the second cell has the dots 235. The minus sign consists of the dots 56 in the first cell, followed by the dots 36 in the second cell.

A space is not required before or after the plus and minus signs, or before and after the mathematical signs in general. However, it is preferable to leave a space before and after the sign when teaching children mathematical signs to make it easier to recognize and identify them.

Mathematical signs end the number mode, so we have to type the number sign before the number that follows the mathematical sign. We also mention that the number mode is deactivated by keeping a space.

####Example 1



####Example 1 (leaving a space to teach children)

4 + 5


Example 2



####Example 2 (with space)

6 − 2


####Example 3



Example 3 (with space)

5 + 4 − 3


The plus and minus signs can be used in the middle of normal text content and not just between numbers. The same spaces that exist before or after the code are followed when converting to braille.

Example 4

Two + five


####Example 6

Choose + or −


Important note: The hyphen is often used in computer environments as an alternative to the minus sign for easy entry from the keyboard. If the hyphen is used in the subtraction process, the braille coder/ translator will translate it into a hyphen sign according to braille module 1 table, as we mentioned, the hyphen sign in Arabic Braille is composed of the dots 36-36.

Example 7

