Signs used

The usual multiplication sign is “×”


Dots 236-56

Multiplication dot “.” (dot operator)


Dots 256-5


The multiplication sign in Arabic Braille consists of two cells, the first cell (the sign prefix) and its dots 56, followed in the next cell with the dots 236. This sign will appear as soon as the multiplication sign appears in regular font. Usually, there is no space before or after the multiplication sign.

The multiplication dot is also used in regular writing for multiplication, although it is less common than the multiplication sign. The multiplication dot in Arabic Braille consists of two cells, the first cell from the fifth dot, and the second cell from the dots 256.

The multiplication sign and the multiplication dot are among the mathematical signs, so always remember that the mathematical signs end the number mode, and this means that the number following the mathematical sign must be preceded by the number sign.

#### Example 1

3 x 4


#### Example 2

1 x 2 x 3


#### Example 3

13×5 = 65


#### Example 4

What is the result of 8×14?


Sometimes the multiplication dot is used in regular writing as a multiplication sign

#### Example 5



#### Example 6

3⋅7 = 21


#### Example 7



Important note: Sometimes the asterisk “*” is used instead of the multiplication sign. If the sign used in the regular font is an asterisk, then what will be displayed or typed in braille is the asterisk and its dots 35-56.

#### Example 8

