Braille Grade 1 Reference

Modern Arabic Braille Table

Below are the alphabets, numbers, and punctuation marks adopted in the developed Arabic system and used in the Liblouis software library.

Note: If the symbol consists of one cell, then, the numbers of the dots will be written connected in one series of numbers, but if the code consists of more than one braille cell, then the dots of each cell will be separated by the dash sign, i.e., the dots 36 36.

Braille Grade 1 Table


The Letter Dot The Letter in Braille
ا 1
ب 12
ت 2345
ث 1456
ج 245
ح 156
خ 1346
د 145
ذ 2346
ر 1235
ز 1356
س 234
ش 146
ص 12346
ض 1246
ط 23456
ظ 123456
ع 12356
غ 126
ف 124
ق 12345
ك 13
ل 123
م 134
ن 1345
ه 125
و 2456
ي 24

Additional shapes for some letters and “hamzas”:

Letter Dot Symbol in Braille
لا 1236
ى 135
ة 16
ء 3
أ 34
إ 46
ؤ 1256
ئ 13456
آ 345


Note: The symbol (6 4) has been added to represent the “hamza” under “ا’ (Alef)

Diacritical Signs

Diacritical Sign Name Diacritical Sign Name Braille Dot Symbols in Braille
فتحة (Fatha) َ 2
تنوين الفتح (Tanween Al Fath) ً 23
كسرة (Kasra) ِ 15
تنوين الكسر (Tanween Al Kasr) ٍ 35
ضمة (Dhamma) ُ 136
تنوين الضم (Tanween Al Dham) ٌ 26
سكون (Sukoun) ْ 25
شدة (Shaddah) ّ 6

Basic Punctuation 

The name of the punctuation sign The shape of the sign in regular font Braille dots The shape of the punctuation sign
النقطة (Full-stop/ period) . 256
الفاصلة (Comma) ، 5
الفاصلة المنقوطة (Semicolon) ; 5-23 ⠐⠆
علامة الاستفهام (Question mark) ؟ 236
علامة التعجب (Exclamation mark) ! 235
نقطتين رأسيتين (Colon) : 5-2 ⠐⠂
الشرطة (Dash) 36-36 ⠤⠤
شرطة تحت السطر (Underscore) _ 6-36 ⠠⠤
فتح قوس هلالي (Parenthesis – to open) ( 236
غلق قوس هلالي (Parenthesis – to close) ) 356
فتح قوس مربع (Square Bracket – to open) [ 6-236 ⠠⠦
غلق قوس مربع (Square Bracket – to close) ] 356-3 ⠴⠄
فتح قوس مزخرف (Curly bracket – to open) { 5-236 ⠐⠦
غلق قوس مزخرف (Curly bracket – to close) } 356-2 ⠴⠂
التنصيص، فتحاً وإغلاقا (Quotation – to open or close) 2356
إشارة الحرف (Letter sign) A special indication in braille to indicate the presence of a letter in the middle of the numbers, or to confirm that what follows it is written in braille module 1 and not in abbreviations/ acronyms module 56
علامة الحذف (Ellipsis) 256-256-256 ⠲⠲⠲


Number Dot Number in Braille
1 1
2 12
3 14
4 145
5 15
6 124
7 1245
8 125
9 24
0 245

 Basic math signs and more punctuation

Symbol name The shape of the symbol in the regular font Braille Dots The shape of the symbol in braille
العلامة العشرية (Decimal) . 256
  الفاصلة الرياضية(Math Comma) , 2
علامة الجمع (Plus sign) + 56-235 ⠰⠖
علامة الطرح  (Minus) 56-36 ⠰⠤
علامة الضرب  (Multiplication sign) × 56-236 ⠰⠦
علامة القسمة  (Division sign) ÷ 56-256 ⠰⠲
علامة يساوي (Equals sign) = 56-2356 ⠰⠶
علامة أكبر من  (Greater than sign) > 4-35 ⠈⠔
علامة أصغر من  (Less than sign) < 6-35 ⠠⠔
علامة النجمة (Asterisk symbol) * 56-35 ⠰⠔
علامة الرقم أو المربع (Number sign) # 456-35 ⠸⠔
علامة الدولار (Dollar sign) $ 4-256 ⠈⠲
علامة “و” أو علامة العطف (Ampersand symbol) & 4-12346 ⠈⠯
علامة الأس أو الرفع الرياضي (Caret/ Exponent sign) ^ 4-26 ⠈⠢
علامة بالمائة  (Percent sign) % 25-1234 ⠒⠏
علامة الأت  (At symbol) @ 4-1 ⠈⠁
علامة القائمة النقطية (Bullet) 456-256 ⠸⠲
علامة الشرطة المائلة (Forward slash) / 456-36 ⠸⠤
علامة الشرطة المائلة إلى الخلف (Backslash) \ 45-36 ⠘⠤
علامة الشريط أو القيمة المطلقة (Vertical slash) | 456-25 ⠸⠒
علامة تلدة (علامة التكافؤ) (Tilde) ~ 45-25 ⠘⠒


  1. To represent the line under the word, the symbol consisting of (36-6) must be placed instead of the symbol (6 4) that was used to represent the “hamza” (ء) under the “Alef” (ا).
  2. Since there is one symbol on the computer keyboard for the quotation mark and it is used for opening and closing, there are also two symbols on the same keyboard, one to open the parenthesis and the other to close it, and since the dots of the symbol for opening and closing the parenthesis are unified in braille, unlike opening and closing the quotation mark, it would be confusing for the machine translation to differentiate between regular font and braille, therefore, one has been replaced by the other. In addition, four symbols have been placed to represent the square and the curly brackets (in opening and closing).
  3. All diacritics come immediately after the accented letter without leaving a space, except for the accent “shadda” sign, which precedes the accented letter.
  4. The following punctuation signs: full stop, comma, semicolon, question mark, exclamation mark, and colon are written directly at the end of the word without leaving a space.
  5. Punctuation signs are to be written in a sequence without leaving a space between any of them.
  6. The ellipsis must be written separated from what came before and after it by an empty cell.
  7. The brackets and dashes are written so that they are adjacent to what is between them when opening and closing, and the space is before opening and after closing.
  8. The number sign (3 4 5 6) must precede the symbols that represent the numbers from 0 to 9, whether it is a single number or a continuous series of numbers.